
An historical Record:Dowry list

This record is realated to a dowry list belong to a woman from Soleimani village.It s date is 1350 Ghamary i.e 80 years ago.This record has written in farsi nastaligh .
The dowry list is consists this items:
1.Wraparound..........6 piece
2.Shirt ......................7 piece
3.Cambric ................1 piece
4.Undergarment ..10 piece
5.Brace ..................10 piece
6.Camisole ............10 piece
7.Bedspread ...........5 piece
8.Wrapper ..............5 set
9.Loincloth bed ......5 set

10.Quilt and bed ...5 set.
11.Kerchief ...........13 piece
12.Bangle ...............1
13.Cash .................4 Toman

And other things that I cant realize them , such as "Kalooje" , "Tagh Poosh" and "Deshmak"has stipulated in this list.
As you see, the dowry list is indicates that clothes and dresses has been constituted major part of dowry.
The original copy of this record has dedicated to Document Center of Astan-E-Quds-E-Razavi by its owner,Mahmood Soleimani.